Saturday, June 14, 2014

"God sent us Barack Obama"

... Standing at the pulpit, he first invoked God and then Barack Obama, portraying himself as the president’s apostle, put on Earth to protect Harlem and his president from those awful white Southern Republicans.

“They hate the president,” he told the Antioch faithful, a message he had repeat at five other church drop-ins on that sunny summer Sunday. “God sent us Barack Obama,” he told a congregation in 116th St. half an hour later, before heading up to West 153rd St. “These people carry hate in their heart … all of them come from states that used to hold Africans as slaves,” he told a packed house at the Bethany Baptist Church under a stained-glass window of Christ in prayer. “All of them hated Abe Lincoln! All of them really think that the Civil War is not over!”

Source: Glenn Thrush, 06/24/14.